Join Barkley & LuLu Today!
You can be the difference between life and death for a beloved pet in the Jackson community. Your donation will change the life of a pet owner, just like you, and their best friend. The Barkley & LuLu Foundation also makes an impact on the cat population, preventing hundreds of cats from being unnecessarily euthanized through the Jackson Cat Project. Any amount you can give will make a difference.
The Jackson Cat Project is 100% volunteer-driven and we enjoy collaborating with community volunteers and veterinary professionals. In addition, we encourage volunteerism at the Jackson County Animal Shelter and at the Cascades Humane Society. Dog walkers, cat visitors, and general maintenance are always appreciated, and both of these organizations host Jackson Cat Project events.
Supporting While You Shop on
In addition to your donation, you can save the lives of Jackson pets in need by using AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple automatic way to support the Barkley & LuLu Foundation, at no cost to you! will automatically donate a portion of your purchase every time you shop. Learn more about AmazonSmile and how you can sign up.