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Baby, an eighteen-month-old spayed female Chihuahua, needed a tumor removed to live a healthy, comfortable life. Her owners were unable to pay for this care for her, so Baby’s veterinarian at Blackman Animal Clinic contacted the Barkley and LuLu Foundation to receive a grant for her. Baby received surgery and has made a full recovery!
Gizmo is a 5-month-old kitten who came to Country Garden Veterinary Clinic after being hit by a car. Despite having an obvious left leg fracture, Gizmo was very loving upon examination and even purring! X-rays revealed that his leg was severely fractured, and amputation was necessary. The Barkley and LuLu Foundation helped with the expense of Gizmo’s amputation and recovery. Without the support of the Barkley and LuLu Foundation, Gizmo’s future was uncertain. His owners are very grateful to have their best friend back!
Mal-O-Ree is a five-year-old female spayed Pitbull, who had a severe uterine infection and received a grant for surgery, was treated by Dr. Whalin at the Jackson County Animal Shelter as well as at Kibby Park Animal Hospital.
Ella, an eighteen-week-old female pit bull had an intestinal blockage, which required emergency surgery. Her veterinarian at Crossroads Animal Hospital applied for a grant on her behalf to assist with the medical costs. Ella is now healthy and living life as though nothing ever happened.
Leo is a neutered male cat whose owners brought him into Kibby Park Animal Hospital because of severe leg pain. His veterinarian diagnosed him with a fractured femur. Due to financial difficulty, his owners were unable to pay for the treatment to repair his femur. Thanks to a grant from Barkley and LuLu Foundation, Leo’s femur was repaired and he is now living a happily.
Bentley is a puppy who needed a forelimb amputation due to severe trauma, but his parents couldn’t afford to give him this treatment. His vet at Brooklyn Road Veterinary Clinic saw the need for financial support and contacted the Barkley & LuLu Foundation. Bentley received a grant to cover the costs of his surgery and has made a full recovery!
Make a difference in the lives of Jackson County pets and their owners by volunteering your time or donating today.